Clumsy lion scoops top prize in comedy wildlife photo contest

Clumsy lion scoops top prize in comedy wildlife photo contest

An picture of a three-month-old lion cub falling out of a tree has been named the general winner of this 12 months’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.

The second was captured by Jennifer Hadley within the Serengeti, Tanzania, late one afternoon, and the picture fought off competitors from 5000 different entries.

“It didn’t even occur to me that he would make a go of getting down by himself in the most un-cat like fashion. I mean, how often do cats fall out of trees?” Hadley stated in a press launch.

“No one expected this to happen and of course we were concerned for his safety but happily as cats do, he righted himself just in time and landed on all fours and ran off with his siblings. A happy ending for a hapless kitty who didn’t quite know how to get down from a tree.”