Crisp escapes punishment for videos

Crisp escapes punishment for videos

The AFL has determined to not punish Collingwood star Jack Crisp who has apologised and can bear additional schooling after disturbing historic content material was uploaded to social media final week.

Crisp was interviews by the AFL integrity unity after uploaded content material confirmed a person scrolling via a number of Snapchat photos, many that includes a bearded Crisp above messages, with some referencing illicit substances, in addition to a graphic picture.

But in separate statements on Tuesday the AFL and Collingwood confirmed Crisp wouldn’t be sanctioned after admitting he despatched the photographs to a different particular person.

The AFL assertion mentioned Crisp acknowledged the content material and his language was “extremely inappropriate” and the 29-year-old apologised for the affect the incident had on his household and the membership.

“Last week I became aware that a video was being shared online containing private images which I had sent to another person in 2018,” Crisp mentioned.

“I want to apologise for my actions and the impact they’ve had on my family and our Club.

“Since that time, I have learnt a lot and grown as a person and I hope my family, those at Collingwood, and everyone connected to our Club and the wider game, can see that growth. In saying that, I am still a work in progress and aim to continue to get better as a person.

“I am incredibly fortunate to have the support of Collingwood, my wife Mikayla and my daughters – while I am disappointed in myself for those actions, the impact this has had on my wife and my family hurts the most and I apologise to them for that.”

The AFL mentioned Crisp has been ordered to undertake an acceptable schooling program and the matter was now “finalised”.

“While the content was produced a number of years ago, and Jack has shown significant improvement in his behaviour, the incident serves as a reminder to all players to understand the responsibility to themselves, their clubs and their professional careers.” AFL EGM Football Andrew Dillon mentioned.

In assessing the state of affairs the AFL took into consideration Crisp’s acknowledgment of his behaviour, his observe file within the years because the content material was produced and the general public apology.

Originally revealed as Collingwood’s Jack Crisp cleared to play by AFL over obscene photos
