‘Ducking and weaving’: US energy official unable to answer question on net zero plan

‘Ducking and weaving’: US energy official unable to answer question on net zero plan

Liberal Senator Alex Antic says questions don’t “get asked on the ground level” as bureaucrats and lefties “take and spin money” on points resembling local weather change.

This comes after the US Deputy Energy Secretary was grilled by a Republican Senator as he couldn’t reply how a lot international temperatures shall be lowered by if the US turns into carbon impartial by 2050.

“I’m sure I would’ve had the same sort of ducking and weaving,” Mr Antic mentioned.

“This is the problem, these questions don’t get asked on the ground level, and we go off on these frolics, allowing bureaucrats and lefties to sort of just take and spin money.

“They get halfway down the journey, and all of a sudden, we realise there’s no basis to it and no science to it”.

Source: www.news.com.au