Dogs that mauled meter reader to death in Queensland euthanised

Dogs that mauled meter reader to death in Queensland euthanised
The canine that fatally mauled meter reader Kane Minion in Queensland final week have been euthanised, the native council has confirmed.

Minion, 42, was working and making an attempt to learn a meter when he was set upon by the canine within the entrance yard of a fenced property on Ison Road within the Logan suburb of Greenbank on the morning of December 3.

Kane Minion was fatally attacked by dogs on the Queensland property.
Kane Minion was fatally attacked by canine on a Queensland property. (Nine)

Logan City Council employees seized the 2 canine from the property the identical day.

Both have been registered with the council and neither was on an inventory of regulated menacing or harmful canine.

“Earlier this week, the owners of the dogs legally surrendered the animals to council to allow the matter to be dealt with in the best interest of public safety,” the council stated in an announcement.

“On Tuesday, after advice that Queensland Police Service had completed the relevant part of its investigation, the dogs were swiftly and humanely euthanised.”

The council stated its “heartfelt thoughts and condolences” have been with Minion’s household and pals.