Why there are MAJOR fears A.I. will put actors out of jobs

Why there are MAJOR fears A.I. will put actors out of jobs

Whether motorcycling off a cliff in Dead Reckoning, scaling the outside of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Ghost Protocol or dangling from a helicopter in Fallout, Tom Cruise is legendary for doing his personal stunts in his visually breathtaking Mission: Impossible movies.

He’s a Hollywood star who has at all times made clear that he believes that audiences would a lot moderately see actors themselves moderately than any computerised digital jiggery-pokery with regards to performing motion sequences.

And it was his ardour for authenticity that noticed Cruise intervene final week within the dispute between actors and movie producers over new synthetic intelligence (AI) know-how that, in principle, may imply he by no means has to do one other stunt once more and audiences would by no means know the distinction.

The leisure trade bible, The Hollywood Reporter, states that, within the run-up to the Hollywood actors and writers strike, the Screen Actors Guild and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) recruited him to assist voice their fears over using AI by the studios and streaming giants.

AI lies on the coronary heart of the strike that has introduced Hollywood to a standstill. Battles over pay and healthcare are definitely a part of the dispute however the unions declare ‘generative’ AI really poses an existential risk to movie and TV as we all know it.

Source: www.perthnow.com.au