Mothers call to raise awareness for childhood dementia

Mothers call to raise awareness for childhood dementia

Renee Staska says childhood dementia is a “quite progressive” degenerative situation as she holds on to hope and bids to boost consciousness for the dysfunction.

“Childhood dementia is an umbrella term for around 70 rare degenerative types of conditions children can have,” Ms Staska instructed Sky News Australia.

“Generally, the childhood dementia tag comes with probably not seeing your 20th birthday and it is quite progressive, … you lose skills over a couple of years, or perhaps a couple of months depending on severity, at the moment there’s no cures, there’s no treatments.

“I do have to hold on to hope because otherwise I think the alternative is just devastating and really, I don’t think I could fathom that.

“We hope to raise awareness and hopefully with awareness becomes more research, more funding … we hope a cure or something that can buy us some more time before a cure does come.

“There’s a whole community of people with childhood dementia, might not be the same condition but it’s generally the same sort of prognosis, so it … makes me feel less isolated … to be able to find people that are in similar boats to me and … have people that care enough to listen and want to help.”
